About This Site

We believe that the best resources you can use in your classroom are those that you create yourself. Our goal is to make it fun and easy for teachers to create their own early math resources.

10f.io was conceived and coded by Christopher Gollmar, a teacher from Brooklyn, NY. Want to get in touch? Email Chris at chris@10f.io.


Ten-frame images generated through 10f.io are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License. This means you are free to use your ten-frames for commercial or non-commercial purposes, so long as you credit 10f.io and share your work under the same license. Full terms of the license are available at the above link. If you require different licensing terms, please contact us.



Here's an overview of the features and improvements I'm working on. I'll cross them off as I complete them make progress.

Fall 2021: Launch Core Features and Branding

Winter 2022: Refine Core and Add Documentation

Spring 2022: Feature Development

Summer 2022: Teacher Outreach

Fall 2022: Growing the Community